Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is an orphan boy who finds out he is a wizard on his 11th birthday by the gatekeeper at Hogwarts named Hagrid. When Harry gets to Hogwarts he meets Ron Weasley who will become his best friend and Draco Malfoy who will become a very bad enemy. Harry's parents were killed by a dark wizard known as Voldemort. When Voldemort tried to kill Harry he couldn't because of the spell his mother put on him. So when Voldemort tried using an unforgivable curse half of his powers and character traits were sent into Harry. The reason Voldemort wants to kill Harry is because he knows that Harry will be a great wizard someday. While at Hogwarts him and Ron become friends with Hermione Granger. Through the years Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been very close going through many trials and almost getting killed in the process of most of them. Ron's family has been like a family to Harry since he is an orphan. Ron's brothers; Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George have been good friends to him along with their sister Ginny whom Harry marries in the end. Harry knows that in the end it will all come down to one wizard left so he sets out on a journey to collect the horcruxes in order to kill Voldemort. All is on the line for this teenage orphan and he knows it.

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