Monday, December 6, 2010

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger, best known as "The Brains" of the group is a very special character. Without Hermione, Harry and Ron wouldn't have gotten very far in trying to figure out the mysterious things that happen at Hogwarts. Hermione is a muggle born child and a mud-blut to Draco. At times Hermione tends to be bossy and uptight but it is all in good nature. Her friendship with Harry and Ron is a special one. They met on their first night at Hogwarts and have been friends ever since. Throughout the course of their friendship they have faced many trials of faith. They have been through everything together like loosing loved ones, romances, and near death fatalities. At the end of the series she marries Ron and they have two children named Rose and Hugo. Without Hermione there would have been a big empty spot in the films.

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