Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nearly Headless Nick

Out of all of the ghosts that roam the castle of Hogwarts the most famously known ghost is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington often referred to as Nearly Headless Nick. Now you may ask how can you be nearly headless? Well half of his head is cut off while the other half is still attached. Nick, is the Gryffindor House ghost who in life was sentenced to death by beheading after a teeth-straightening spell went awry on Lady Grieve. His greatest wish is to become a member of the Headless Hunt, as mentioned in the second book. However, he is excluded due to the fact that he is not actually headless and would not be able to fully participate in the activities. In the Chamber of Secrets he was petrified by the Basilisk but was later recovered and healed. He has become one of Harry's good friends throughout the books and his life at Hogwarts. He is loved by all and it will remain that way for all of eternity.

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