Monday, December 13, 2010

Neville Longbottom

In every place there is a shy kid that everyone thinks will amount to nothing but this kid proved them all wrong. Neville Longbottom lives with his grandmother and attends Hogwarts. He is in Gryffindor and has helped earn the house points. Neville is also highly gifted in Herbology. He is often teased a lot by Malfoy and his crew. His parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom, were prominent Aurors and Order of the Phoenix members until they were tortured and permanently incapacitated by a group of Death Eaters led by Bellatrix Lestrange; Neville was subsequently raised by his paternal grandmother, Augusta. Neville plays a minor role in the first four books, but Rowling wanted him to perform an act of bravery in Philosopher's Stone, in which Neville "finds true moral courage in standing up to his closest friends — the people who are on his side" towards the climax. He easily could have become the chosen one instead of Harry but Voldemort attacked Harry instead. He also takes the role of rebuilding Dumbledore's Army during his last year while Harry is off trying to defeat Voldemort. Neville also destroys Nagini during the Battle of Hogwarts, thus destroying the final Horcrux. In the epilogue, he returns as a Herbology teacher at Hogwarts due to his love for the subject. He also marries Hannah Abbott, who then became the new landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. They live right above it and he is considered to be a true friend  and hero to all at Hogwarts.

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